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Value Analysis: informed decisions and certain solutions

Value Analysis offers objective, data-driven assessments, enabling informed decisions that optimize cost and functionality.

We know, the moment we are faced with multiple choice options, doubts assail us and questions about which solution or choice is the best duplicate. This does not happen with Value Analysis.

One of our key services isValue Analysis (VA), which together with Value Engineering (VE)provides objective, data-driven assessments of projects, enabling our clients to make informed decisions that optimize both cost and functionality.

What is Value Analysis?

Value Analysis is a systematic approach to improving the “value” of a project by examining its components and processes to ensure maximum function at the lowest possible cost. The concept, originally developed during World War II by General Electric, focuses on substituting less expensive alternatives without compromising quality or performance.

Our methodology

In id 11, our VA service is structured around a well-defined process that includes several critical steps:

  1. Information phase: we collect comprehensive data on the project, including design specifications, functional requirements, and cost constraints. This phase establishes the basis for identifying potential areas for improvement
  2. Creative phase: our multidisciplinary team generates innovative solutions to meet project requirements more efficiently. This phase encourages out-of-the-box thinking to explore a wide range of possibilities
  3. Evaluation step: we rigorously evaluate the proposed alternatives based on their feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential impact on the project. This step ensures that only the most viable solutions advance
  4. Development phase: selected alternatives are further developed into feasible plans. Detailed cost-benefit analyses, life-cycle assessments, and technical evaluations are conducted to support final recommendations
  5. Presentation stage: final recommendations are compiled into a comprehensive report and presented to the client. This includes detailed explanations of the proposed changes, their benefits and any trade-offs

Benefits of Value Analysis

Implementing Value Analysis in architectural and engineering projects offers numerous benefits:

  • Cost reduction: by identifying opportunities for savings without sacrificing quality, Value Analysis helps reduce overall project costs
  • Improved functionality: the focus on function ensures that the design meets all requirements effectively, often leading to improvements in performance and usability
  • Sustainability: the Value Analysis encourages the use of sustainable materials and practices, aligning with environmental goals and reducing the ecological impact of projects
  • Risk mitigation: early identification of potential problems and their solutions reduces the likelihood of costly changes in later phases of the project

Why choose id 11?

Our approach in id 11 is data-driven, ensuring that every decision is supported by solid evidence and in-depth analysis. We use advanced tools and methodologies to provide insights that drive efficiency and innovation. Our team of experts works closely with clients to customize solutions that meet their specific needs and goals, ensuring that each project delivers maximum value, including quality.

Id 11 can transform your next project with value analysis, contact us and let’s start working together to create solutions that excel in every aspect.

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