Specials: Silos Veronesi Mangimi SPA Quinto di Valpantena (VR) Evaluative analysis and adaptation project of about 100 safety systems supporting the machines used within the production process. Design Veronesi Mangimi SPA Quinto di Valpantena (VR)
Specials: Silos Aia SPA Vazzola (TV) New construction of the oxygen and carbon dioxide storage and vaporization plant. Design Procurement management Construction site management Aia SPA Vazzola (TV)
Specials: Silos Veronesi Mangimi SPA Quinto di Valpantena (VR) Extraordinary maintenance of structural reinforcement of the raw material “cabero” silo. Design Procurement management Construction site management Construction site safety Veronesi Mangimi SPA Quinto di Valpantena (VR)